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With a presence in Arizona, Western Texas, California, New Mexico, Southern Nevada and Northern Mexico, Phoenix Pumps, Inc. has grown to become a full service, full stocking industrial distributor with its primary customers coming from the mining, power generation, commercial, chemical, food and beverage, and municipal water and wastewater markets. The company was founded by retired Lt. Col. Don Vise in the mid-1980s.

The Phoenix Pumps story begins in 1977. Don Vise was flying for the U.S. Air Force Reserve at the time. While attempting to begin a career search to become a commercial airline pilot, Don decided to complete a job application for a pump manufacturing company in California, Wilden Pumps. Don would eventually meet the owner, Jim Wilden, and be offered the Assistant Sales Manager position in the company. With limited knowledge about pumps, Don would often spend time on the manufacturing floor learning how pumps were built, as well as how the pumps operated. Over the next eight years, Don had developed a strong understanding of many types of pumps and related components which helped him develop a very successful career selling such items. Don was also able to develop a strong and personable relationship with Jim Wilden. In 1985, Don had come to the realization that his sales position carried with it very demanding travel schedules taking away from Don’s time with his two young sons, Brandon and Jason. With Jim’s blessing and encouragement, he advised Don to start his own distributorship. This would allow Don more flexibility and enable Don to keep his longtime relationship with Wilden Pumps. With that in mind Don came to Phoenix to build his business in an area that did not have a strong pump manufacturing or distributing industry. Starting in a 1,000 square foot space and a $25,000 loan, Don got to work. Don would often start at 4:30 a.m. and work a 20 hour day. He would make his calls to vendors and customers at the beginning of the day, noting that customers seemed to relate to the fact that he started work as early as they did. In the early years, Don concentrated on making sales calls to all of the small shops and businesses that he knew of or came across in the business community. By interacting with individuals such as shop repairs and maintenance managers, Don saw an opportunity to assist people in getting their jobs done easier and more efficiently. Today, Phoenix Pumps still carries on many of the relationships that Don had built early on. It was these types of relationships, as well as Don’s vision and hard work that has enabled Phoenix Pumps, Inc. to successfully grow.


El Paso Phoenix Pumps, Inc. is customer driven and dedicated to providing solutions for the pump industry. The same relationship building ideals that Don believed in and utilized with his vendors and customers were the same ideals that he looked for in his team. As a result of Don’s belief in building relationships and trying to help others succeed, El Paso Phoenix Pumps has become the successful company that it is today.

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